Ohio EPA

Ohio EPA Approves Lead Cleanup Plan

In September, 2020, the Ohio EPA notified community leaders and stakeholders of the decision to approve the closure and cleanup action plan for the sites formerly operated by Closed Loop Glass Solutions. The company had previously operated two facilities on the south side that failed to pass inspection for lead contamination.

The plan identifies ENSAFE as the company responsible for coordinating the process of safe clean-up. Although the submitted plan covers both sites, only one of them is located within the boundaries of the Far South Commission.

The Close Loop Glass operation consisted of locations at 1655-1675 Watkins Road and 2200 Fairwood Avenue. The Fairwood Avenue site included a single warehouse structure, and was in operation for approximately one (1) year.

Background and History

The Watkins Road facility was originally leased from MS- South LLC. The current property owner is Garrison-Southfield Park. Closed Loop Glass operated at this site from 2012 until its closure in 2016. Company operations consisted of reforming electronic waste and repurposing and selling it for other uses. These items included CRT screens and scrap television screens.

In October 2013, Commissioner Eileen Neale developed a petition to the Ohio EPA to deny an air permit request for the operations at the Watkins Road facility. The petition was signed by community residents at the Marion-Franklin Area Civic meeting.

The Ohio EPA did approve the permit request in October 2013, but committed to monitoring ongoing activities at the facility.

On November 11, 2013 the Columbus Dispatch wrote an article highlighting the community’s concerns over the permit approval.

Company Fined for Violations

The Ohio EPA did perform several on-site inspections. In November, 2013 notice of violation letters were submitted for the facility at 1655/1675 Watkins Road. The company was advised to correct the noted concerns, and a civil fine was levied. Closed Loop Glass stated they had corrected the problem.

In January, 2015, however, the Ohio EPA performed another inspection at both sites and found lead samples exceeded Ohio standards. The interior of both sites were found to be contaminated with (lead dust) (D008), ranging from 2300/13000 milligrams.

Related documents regarding the closure and action plan can be obtained at the Marion Franklin branch of the Public Library, 2740 Lockbourne Road, and at the Ohio EPA, 50 west Broad Street., Suite 70, Columbus Ohio 43215.